Ep. 07 - Advice from a Product Recruiter

The product manager job market can be highly competitive and difficult to navigate. This episode's guest, Heidi Ram, helps us cut through these challenges and identifies what she, as a 20 year veteran recruiter who specializes in finding product talent, looks for when filling exciting industry roles. Heidi provides deep insight into the world of product management from the perspective of companies looking to hire, and gives some amazing tips on how to improve your chances at standing out from the crowd when vying for an attractive product job.

As a bonus, I share my own experience interviewing for a product manager role very early in my career, what I learned from it, and how I used my failures to craft a more cohesive 'Product Story' that would eventually get me hired in the industry. I also provide some insight into my own interviewing style, and what I look for now that I am the one conducting the interviews.

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Heidi Ram is the senior most Toronto Recruiter at Martyn Bassett Associates, having survived and thrived through the highs and lows of the start up tech space across North America, for 20 years. She’s a hands-on Toronto Recruiter engaged to search for Product and Design talent, as well as any VP level search across Sales, Marketing and Customer Success.


Ep. 06 - Lessons from a Product Teacher